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Ania's books

I'm an aquarius and yes, I do believe in the signs of zodiac :) I believe pretty much in everything (UFOs, reincarnation, ghosts, magic), I love animals (especially cats and ducks), am a vegetarian and will not buy anything tested on animals. I enjoy learning foreign languages, I speak Russian (my native), Polish, English, French as well as some basic Spanish and Italian (I'm also learning Dutch). As for reading... well, yes, I'm doing that all the time :) I love Russian, English and French classics, as well as typical chick-lit and thrillers, and there really is no genre I don't like at all, if it's well-written and has a good plot.


My account on Goodreads: anna3101

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You Must Be My Best Friend . . . Because I Hate You!: Friendship and How to Survive It

You Must Be My Best Friend . . . Because I Hate You!: Friendship and How to Survive It - Emily Dubberley If you are an adult and want to read a book about friendship, don't read THIS book. Although it pretends to be grown-up stuff, it doesn't go further than the level of a teenage girl - and a very silly one too. It is superficial to the point of being ridiculous - and barely digestible. Ms Dubberley obviously thinks she's extremely wise when she points out such unexpected and amazing truths as "sleeping with you friend's boyfirend can be bad for your friendship" or "if you never call your friend, it may upset her". Wow. Surely we didn't know that before, did we? Ms Dubberley is also, evidently, mature beyond her years, so she uses a lot of slang, describes a lot of wild parties, pointless flings and exuberant alcohol, and warns us against the dangers of having sex with your friends. I had a vague impression I was reading a collection of random "let's chill out and get dirty" episodes rather than a "friendship guide" the book claims to be.P.S. The stories in the book are so obviously not real that I kept wondering why the author even bothered to pretend that they were.